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Let's make something totally unique
The Experience
Controllers & Effects: Behind the PixMob Magic
Creating synergy between the crowd and stage
With our palette of 16 million colors, our pixels can beat to the rhythm of a pop song, gently shimmer to classical melodies, pulsate like a heartbeat or light up your whole audience as one to unify the whole venue. (Effects compatible with Radio Frequency and Infrared PixMob products)
Shine from the Front Row to the Nosebleed Section
These effects turn each section of your audience into groups that display their own unique effects, colors, and visuals to create a dazzling, dynamic immersive experience.
Move Your Fans
Imagine enormous waves of light and color washing across your audience. The PixMob Moving head is the ultimate tool for achieving never-before-seen crowd-based effects, empowering lighting designers, performers, and audiences to take fan immersion to a whole new level.
Cast Your Vision on the Crowd
The PixMob Moving VT enables our most advanced wearable lighting effects possible. Whether you want stars to dance across the crowd, have realistic waves ripple through the audience, or send words flashing across the entire stadium, the PixMob Moving VT makes your fans more than included, it makes them the show itself.
Paint The Crowd with Your Vision
With the PixMob Wand Portable Transmitter, a wirelessly controlled light paintbrush, performers can create spectacular illuminated shapes and drawings directly on their audience, a real-time engagement with immediate visual impact.